I am Ismail Shariff, a professional wildlife and nature photographer.
I have been taking pictures since 2005, when I was in Europe for my Masters in IT Project Management and Entrepreneurship at the Central European University, Budapest, Hungary. My Bachelor Degree was in Computer Science and Engineering.
My first birding/wildlife stint was with BSAP’s ICRISAT trip in January 2008, and my first tiger sighting was in Kanha in the same year, which eventually became one of the reasons for me to move back to India in pursuance of Wildlife Photography and Tourism here in India.
My love and deep interest in travel, nature and photography led me to follow my passion in becoming a wildlife photographer. My creative and emotional affinity towards nature is what drives me to capture wildlife images in an artistic manner and other than pursuing the rarest and most difficult of wild cats of India to photograph and document, I aspire to make uncommon images with common subjects.
As photography developed as a profession, I felt this absence of a place where I could reproduce my images as prints, and hence in 2011, I pioneered commercial Fine Art Printing in Andhra Pradesh. The studio IMPRIMA (hyperlink to the imprima website) was a dream that had first taken shape when I learnt about fine art prints at the Louvre, Paris. The desire of having a gallery for showcase of talent from around the world, will take shape in due course of time.
I have received immense amount of recognition from various places like :

Featured Photos on Canon Blogs from various countries
The Tadoba Inheritance by Sanctuary Asia
Back cover and two-page center spread
Finalists in Natural History Museum Photographer of the year 2015
Commemoration of CoP-11 to CBD 2012 – All mammals and birds photographs
Cover photo of Indian Birds – The highly renowned book on Indian Ornithology.